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Opening a business

Thinking about starting a business? 


Anyone can open any business they wish in Los Santos. However, there aren't enough people in roleplay games to simulate the profits your business would get in real life. So Maze Bank subsidizes your profits! In other words, if your business meets the critera below, your business will get paid every week.

  • The business must be profitable

  • The business must be popular

  • The business can NOT be redundant (i.e. two airlines)​

  • Clean Record: In order to start a business, you cannot have any felonies

  • 10% Down: You must have 10% of the value of the company in your account in order to open said company


Businesses recieve 10 year loans from the Bank of Los Santos, and recieve subsidized profits each in-game month. For example, if you want to open a business valued at $500,000, here is how the financing would work:
Corporate License

If you wish to open more than one company, you will need a corporation license. There are two tiers:

  • Profit: will be 5% of the net worth each month. For 500k, that would be a monthly profit of $25,000


  • Expenses: Every business has expenses, this will be reflected in a monthly tax on each business. The tax is half of monthly profit & includes the monthly loan payments for the business.Therefore, your total expenses each month will be $12,500. (Restaraunts & Bars have half the tax rate) 

  • Net Income: profit after expenses each month, subtract the monthly payment & taxes from the profit. For this example, 25,000 - 12,500 = $12,500 monthly profit! 


  • Tier 1: This allows you to own 2 companies, the price is $40,000

  • Tier 2: This allows you to own 3 companies, the price is $125,000


Phone 1-800-SUCK-MY-DICK


Weds - 8pm
Sat - 8pm


Ridgely Mckinless

Gamertag - ridge55

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